Monday, October 24, 2011

mrcapable1's Question

Eukaryotic cells are complex in organization and structure, especially when you consider their small size. Consider the organelle contents of the typical eukaryotic cell. Select two organelles and compare them relative to structure and function. Describe what would be the specific probable effects on the cell if each of these organelles were lost. 


SIMILARITIES  -   Both have originated from endosymbiotic bacteria
                                   Both have double outer membrane
                                   They both have their own DNA. 
                                   Both reproduce independently
                                   Both have ribosomes capable of synthesizing  proteins

                       Present in all Eukaryotes            Present in Plants , algae
                       Size is 0.5 to 10 micrometers     Size is  2 to 10 micrometers
               Breaks glucose to release energy    Builds up glucose to store energy
                         Carries out respiration              Carries out  Photosynthesis. 

>If mitochondria is removed from the cell, it can not carries out respiration and food presnt in cell can not be used to release energy. Cell will die.

>If chloroplast is absent from the plant cell , there will be no food synthesis by photosynthesis.No food ,no energy and eventually cell will die

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